
Steven Kennedy

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

If you could send Steven a message now, what would you say?

Viney Sethy
I know you are in heaven. You are in a place where angels abode. Your sight is no longer of this world. The colors you see are more deeper and radiant than you could have seen through your human eyes. The terrain you see is immensely more beautiful and beyond the human imagination. The music you hear is beyond our dreams. The love you feel is deeper than the deepest ocean. Your happiness knows no bounds. You are now free and no longer tethered to the limitations of humanity. You suffer no more. Love is you and you are love.
Claire Roberts
Claire Roberts
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What were Steven's favorite TV shows, movies, books or music?

Casey Lombardo
I just remembered another album he was very into: Modest Mouse - "The Moon and Antarctica"
Casey Lombardo
I know he loved the Shins enough to get ink! Anyone have a pic of that?
Claire Roberts
Movies: All different genres...he had taken a film class so could appreciated cinema talent...anyone help out with more of his favorite films/music?
Katie Kennedy
As a child, he loved 101 Dalmations enough to watch it everyday for what seemed like years!
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Who were some of Steven's closest friends? Have pictures?

Claire Roberts
Claire Roberts
Claire Roberts
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What objects most remind you of Steven? Have a photo?

Casey Lombardo
V-neck t-shirts, awesomely dumb tattoos, hard-scrounged bike parts & tools, cool hats, cigarrettes, molcajetes
Ruth Ward
Bikes and cameras.
Claire Roberts
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What made Steven happy?

Claire Roberts
Claire Roberts
More than anything in the world, Steve loved to ride his bike, man that kid could shred.
Claire Roberts
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What six words best describe Steven?

Katie Kennedy
Charismatic, Optimistic, Accepting, Loyal, Gregarious, Nonjudgmental
Ruth Ward
Beautifulinsideandout (that really is one word), smart, funny, sensitive, creative, kind
Claire Roberts
Loving, Genuine, Passionate, Hard Working, Incredibly Intelligent, Goof
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Did Steven have any nicknames?

Thomas Kennedy
Beav - Bar-Spin-Steve - Smil'in Steve
Thomas Kennedy
Beav - Bar-Spin-Steve - Smil'in Steve

What are your best memories of time together?

Casey Lombardo
I remember trying to drive from Long Beach to Tracy, CA with Steve and Katie to visit their folks, but a semi-truck jack-knifed across the freeway, blocking the whole northbound side of I-5 just before the Grapevine.

This was in the days before GPS apps, so we pulled over at a grocery store to look at their roadmaps and plotted a spontaneous course through the Ojai mountains, eventually having to stop at some remote firehouse to ask for directions and make sure we weren't going to get completely stranded.

I remember being stressed out of my mind for a while there, but Steve was taking it all in stride and with a smile. I think life was probably always an adventure for him, and not about getting from point A to point B. This was just another day another dollar. Who cared if we were lost? We saw the sun go down over winding Ojai switchbacks, and later were the lone car on a stretch of empty, flat highway under a billion stars looking for UFOs on the way to Taft where we could hook back up with I-5 and a more familiar reality.
Claire Roberts
Our camping trip, yes that city boy camped ;) we had a blast

Hanging out at the beach

Trying to figure out which movie references I would get, oh wait...I never got any of them darn my media bubble

Our deep converataions....come on world, fix your self.

What was Steven's favorite meal?

Casey Lombardo
I don't know what his favorite meal was, but I feel like I ate a lot of Olive Garden with Steve. He and his dad used to always take the Tour of Italy together. Mangia!