
Kathleen Elizabeth Beaver

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

If you could send Kathleen a message now, what would you say?

Michaela Beaver
I would tell her how much I miss her, and equally how much I love her and am grateful for everything she's done for me. I would also tell her how much of an impact she has made on both mine and so many people's lives.
Mike Beaver
I would tell her how much I love her. I would tell her how much of a difference she made in mine and my kids life. I would tell her thank you.

What objects most remind you of Kathleen? Have a photo?

Michaela Beaver
I recently got a new car and since I didn't have any credit she helped me acquire the loan, me and my family also are privileged enough to live in her old house. She made the best banana cream pie and pot roast as well. She also loved cats, and that reminds me of her as well.

What are your best memories of time together?

Michaela Beaver
It is so hard to choose because there are so many. Starting from the beginning, when I was younger I would spend the night almost every weekend and she would make me chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream. We went to Tilles park every Christmas season to see the lights. We also went on trips together to Branson and to see family. We've shared so many meals and laughs together as well. She taught me how to drive, and gave me advice in so many situations. I will most miss of all our talks.

What made Kathleen happy?

Michaela Beaver
When others were happy, her greatest joy was from helping others.

What did Kathleen dislike?

Michaela Beaver
Mayonnaise, coconut, and bad drivers.

Did Kathleen have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

Michaela Beaver
To me personally it was; "you know what I mean jelly bean?", or "love you bunches".

What's your favorite picture of Kathleen?

Michaela Beaver

What six words best describe Kathleen?

Michaela Beaver
Compassionate, Fearless, Funny, Selfless, Bold, and Brave.

How would Kathleen most want to be remembered?

Michaela Beaver
I know Kathy would like to be remembered for her heroism by the way she lived her life with compassion and strength. To celebrate her extraordinary life, rather than her death. She would like to be remembered through the memories you have with her and remembered with happiness.

How did Kathleen affect other people?

What were the most life-changing moments for Kathleen?

What were Kathleen's favorite TV shows, movies, books or music?