
Father Jim (R. James Balint)

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

Post a photo from each decade of Father Jim's life

Viera Nižníková
This is Father Jim at the age of 31.
Viera Nižníková
This is Father Jim at the age of 31.
Viera Nižníková
This is Father Jim at the age of 31.
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Who were some of Father Jim's closest friends? Have photos?

Elizabeth *
Father Jim had regular Sunday dinners with a group of priests that were known as "the boys": Joe Schumacher, Jack Meyers, Charlie Curran, Douglas Deshotel, Leon Flusche, Bob Litteken, the late Bob Wilson, among others.

From Father Joe Schumacher about Father Jim:
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What are your best memories of time together?

What do you remember about the first time you met?

What were Father Jim's favorite jobs?

Anything about the cause of death that you want others to know?

What are some of the significant places Father Jim lived?

What items on Father Jim's bucket list got checked off? Which didn't?

What has been Father Jim's spiritual journey?

What did Father Jim want to change about the world?

Could you post photos showing different hairstyles over the years?

What was a favorite story or joke Father Jim liked to tell?