
Michael Kanter

Answer one question or many - using words, photos or other media.

Who were some of Michael's closest friends? Have pictures?

Erica Sherman
During the time I knew him, his friends were the people with whom he fraternized in the bar. Some of them were regulars who he'd known for more than 15-20 years -- Bobby, Breezy, Joey Daniels, Patty G, Danny, Leslie, etc.; they were his closest friends (among many) -- and others were people who came in one night, like Ayelet and Seamus, knocked back a few shots with him, and never saw him again.

Who were some famous people Michael met?

Erica Sherman
He had met a number of celebrities, and even counted Lou Reed (Velvet Underground) among his closest friends, but told me the only time he was truly starstruck was the time his uncle (Fred Plaut, a Grammy Award-winning sound engineer) brought him to work and he got to meet Duke Ellington in the building's lobby.

How would Michael most want to be remembered?

If you could send Michael a message now, what would you say?

What six words best describe Michael?

What are your best memories of time together?

Did Michael have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

What did Michael dislike?

What objects most remind you of Michael? Have a photo?

How did Michael affect other people?

What were the most life-changing moments for Michael?

What were Michael's favorite TV shows, movies, books or music?