Angela Lee
Tsuiping Ho
"想念 淑芳“這個pdf/ppt檔是我們高中北一女line群組一起製作給淑芳的。淑芳,從得知你走的那一天開始,每一天我都想著你。我感謝你的家人讓你走得如此從容。淑芳,你一路好走⋯⋯
kay Liu
Sue 和 我曾在威郡華人教会同工多年. 永遠懷念她美麗燦爛的笑容.
Lucy Young
Lucy Young- Good Bye My Dear Friend Sue Liu!





我珍惜時間常與她在微信聊天,互傳孫子的相片,她吩咐兒子Ray寄了她的書給我。六月十二日是她給我的最後一封微信,她說相信我會完成拙作增訂版的心願。Sue, 我一定會努力去達成。後會有期了!
Shu-shen Chow Chen
永遠的懷念 by Susan Chen

幾年前的母親節,Sue 邀請我跟她一起慶祝母親節,她知道我目前一個人住在紐約,我雖有兩個兒子在台北,但他們也無法來紐約為我慶祝。她女兒已安排在中央公園的Tavern on the Green餐廳聚餐,何不也邀我跟他們一起來慶祝?Sue 就是這麼一個善解人意而又充滿溫情的女人,我當時真的受寵若驚,開心地前往赴約,享受了一頓獨在異鄉為異客的母親節大餐。


In Memory of Sue

Years ago, Sue called me up and kindly invited me to join her for celebrating Mother’s Day with her family. She said to me that I was alone in New York and though I have two sons, yet they are living in Taipei. Sue was just such a considerate and compassionate woman. On that Mother’s Day, her family hosted a fantastic lunch party for Sue and me at Tavern on the Green in Central Park.

Sue and I didn’t see each other very often. But, once in a while, she would called me up for having a lunch. We did enjoy getting together for eating and chatting as well. She could always find a restaurant with tasty food and nice ambiance. In the restaurants, Sue was always wearing a big smile when she talked to a waiters or a waitress and never having complaint or reprimand to them. Later, I realized that she was kind and empathetic to waiters because she had also been a waitress in early years.
Shu-shen Chow Chen
短文:永遠的懷念 (by Susan Chen)

幾年前的母親節,Sue 邀請我跟她一起慶祝母親節,她知道我目前一個人住在紐約,我雖有兩個兒子在台北,但他們也無法來紐約為我慶祝。她女兒已安排在中央公園的Tavern on the Green餐廳聚餐,何不也邀我跟他們一起來慶祝?Sue 就是這麼一個善解人意而又充滿熱情的女人,我當時真的受寵若驚,開心地前往赴約,享受了一頓獨在異鄉為異客的母親節大餐。

Eileen Fong
Hi Aunt Sue,

It’s still hard for me to believe I can’t meet you anymore. I always thought I could meet you again in NYC, and hear your laugh again.

I would like to say thank you again for all your life sharing and caring in the past 10+ years. Receiving your emails/texts back was always one of happiest things in my life. Your supports helped me go through many life ups and downs. We are not blood related, but you treated me like family. I feel very thankful and want to say thank you again.

I will remember what you taught me, shared with me, and carry on with my life. Your big smile, warm heart, and tough spirit will always stay in my mind. It is really my luck to meet you in my life, and I want to say thank you again. I will miss you 😢, but glad you will not in physical pain anymore.

感謝妳對我無私的愛與人生分享,我會一輩子記得妳的,雖然不捨,但很高興妳不會再有身體上的病痛了,願一切安詳喜樂。 💐

Love & big thank you,

Eileen Fong